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You didn’t come this far to stop.
I CHALLANGE Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, UseNet, Bridge card games, Poker games, and even chess matches to COME TOGETHER. SCREW the individual views! GET PEOPLE READY?! Do you not see that everyone is calling everyone else Hoaxers, fakers, name calling, CHILDISH GAMES! Why can we not come together and PREPARE for this historic turn in our society?? I cannot believe the pure amount of HATE that comes off some people who are attacking people who are just trying to do THE RIGHT THING.
Think of this once. The people our congressmen and women are attempting to identify right now have done things to people. Hurt people, ruled in fear. forced people to stay quiet with God knows what kind of threats. They have spent DECADES doing this! This is a FACT. I am not presenting a video for you to try to fake. Or having a debate and then having you spend 10 hours obsessing over every syllable in the video.
We have a chance here. A moment before the storm hits. We have no idea what we are in for. The general public in America has ignored YEARS of documents and evidence proving this disclosure was inevitable. Files came out and they were never labeled as fake. FO sightings and nobody would say anything. They did everything but introduce us! The whole time, if we had come together and demanded answers we could of. We are too busy fighting for clicks, vendettas, and attention.
Several people I spoke to said they thought something was coming, but they doubted it because the UFO enthusiasts did not bring it to the world. Tjoml input that. All the documents that were labeled as "Fake" were 100 percent authentic. Do you know who yelled FAAAAKKKKEEE at it?
What is the reason for infighting? BESIDES drawing people to your YouTube to get paid? Is there REALLY a good reason for EVERYONE to be attacking EVERYONE?